About Desfil

DESfil consult Ltd provides consultation and technology transfer for cutting edge and state-of-the-art water and waste water management technologies spanning the heavy industries such as oil and gas, chemical and food processing, fertilizer laden agricultural run-off, and health sector with a view to reclamation and beneficial re-use amidst growing water scarcity and especially growing adverse environmental impact.
We also specialize in climate resilience solutions, IT solutions, civil engineering and construction Mgt, smart agriculture as well renewable energy and geotechnical services.
We provide technology solutions for rigorous water quality monitoring/detection and treatment for the hardest of contaminants such as ‘forever chemicals’, heavy metals, salts, oils etc. and most importantly the tracing of such contamination to their sources.
The recovery of valuable minerals from water and wastewater using novel membrane based filtration and desalination technologies forms the core of our expertise, as well
as seawater desalination.
Of equal importance is the health of our river systems to support aquatic life and associated irrigation practices.
River reclamation projects via smart and strategic cleaning practice with potentials to curtail seasonal flooding episodes are part of Desfil’s toolkits.
DESfil Consult also specializes in providing information technology solutions as a cross cutting interdisciplinary tool bringing to bear on the importance of the nexus between
big data and artificial intelligence to proffer solutions to existent problems cutting across various fields, thus increasing efficiency and revenue.

Our Mission
To set the stage for smart technology and data-driven solution to environmental and health challenges posed by poor management of waste streams of oil and gas operations, biorefining, mining streams, pharmaceuticals and laboratories. The nexus between water, food and energy security amidst responsible practices promoting a net-positive climate action for our clients are at the core of our portfolio.
Our Vision
To promote the culture of strict environmental considerations in critical sectors of the economy and set the pace or circularity by finding value for wastes through smart research and development.